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Dental implants is a procedure which is looking and functioning like a real teeth. 🦷
Its the safest and the most successful procedure when placed by a experienced team of dentists. It provides you a comfortable, life time and beautiful smile.
Implants have three parts;
1) implant: its a screw like titanium material which is functioning like a root of your tooth 🦷
2) Abutment: its connecting your prosthesis to the implant. It has a small screw in it to keep a tight connection with the implant so we can put your prosthesis on it.
3) prosthesis: its like the crown of your tooth. It can be single unit or a full arch.
You need this procedure to replace your missing tooth. For some reason like systemic problems, decays, trauma or periodontal problems you loose your tooth. Usually the best way to replace your missing tooth is dental implants. It helps you eating in right way using both sides of your occlusion.
When people loses their tooth, they lost their self confidence too. So replacing your tooth is helping about getting your self confidence back.
When you loose your tooth it’s not the only thing you loose. You also loose some of your jaw bone. Your teeth start to drift slowly and wait long enough you will have a gradual degradation of the jaw bone which case facial deformity.
To not to have these problems, one way or another you should replace your missing tooth.
The procedure begins with examination of the patient;
1) Taking the CBCT of the area and deciding the surgery. If you do not have enough bone to place the implant, patient and the doctor decide to have an advance operation which includes grafting or not to have an implant.
2) Usually local anesthesia is preferred to not to have complications during or after the procedure. But in some conditions like phobia of surgery we can make sedation or general anesthesia.
3) It takes 10-15 minutes to 45 minutes. it’s not a long procedure especially when you don’t need bone grafting. it’s totally painless. If you get your medication properly you will have comfortable healing period.
4) After 8-12 weeks we start make your prosthesis which will make you smile for a life time, if you take care of your oral hygiene.

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